Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Sarcoma Knows No Borders Bracelet

One of the things that registered participants in the 5K Walk Around the Park will receive is a Sarcoma Knows No Borders bracelet.

"The background color is a swirl of a pathology slide of a sarcoma patient. The bracelet is reversible. "Sarcoma Knows No Borders" is printed on one side and on the other side the word "sarcoma" is printed in 13 of the world's languages. We use the phrase "Sarcoma Knows No Borders" because sarcomas can occur anywhere in the body and they don't discriminate on age, gender, race or creed and they occur in countries all over the world. Each bracelet is individually packaged and comes with a brief 'Sarcoma Facts' sheet"

If you are interested in obtaining some of these bracelets, please send a note to info@liddyshriversarcomainitiative.org.

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